The American Rescue Plan Can Help Local Governments Invest In Digital Transformation 

Did you know that the American Rescue Plan, or ARP for short, is a $350 billion lifeline for both state and local governments across the country? In essence, it is the largest increase to their budgets in many years. Now, a jumble is currently underway in order to determine how to actually deploy the money in the best manner possible. The decisions that are being made over the next few months will go a long way in determining an incredibly important factor. Will local governments simply enjoy a fleeting stimulus, or utilize that money to build a foundation of economic growth that will help for years to come.  

The bottom line is that the stakes are exceptionally high. The money must move quickly and be deployed in a manner that is both smart and reasonable. Over the next 10-20 years people will look back at this historic distribution of funds and determine unequivocally which local governments blew it and which local governments invested wisely. Local governments should take an approach that will improve things now and well into the future when it comes to spending their ARP money. There is a great deal of benefits to streamlining digital growth.  

That means digital transformation is a quintessential investment and the ideal way for local governments to spend some of their ARP funds. So why exactly is digital transformation a good investment? First and foremost it can be used to help employees become far more affective at their jobs. When employees are more effective at their jobs it saves both time and money. That will go a long way in reducing the overall budget for now and well into the future. Digital transformation provides a unique opportunity to streamline core-operating functions such as finance and Human Resources.  

The bottom line is that moving away from manual processes and automating crucial areas such as payroll and task distribution enable local government leaders to focus on more important municipality related issues. Digital transformation also streamlines interactions with citizens. Everyone expects on-demand results these days. People want the same type of experience that they have with technology in their personal lives when interacting with local governments and local government agencies. For example, residents of a town may show up to town hall in person to pay their water bill, however they expect to be able to use their smartphone to make the payment.  

That means the technology must be in place. Another resident of the town may want to apply for a building permit digitally instead of filling out paperwork. That means local governments need to be digital in order to keep their constitutes happy.  

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Please contact us today for more information about how the ARP can help local governments invest in digital transformation, and how our digital solutions can help your organization. NeoLedge is a well established, yet fast growing electronic document management company that has a global reach. The business was founded in France over 25 years ago by a team of entrepreneurs that truly believe innovation is a living and breathing process that pushes us to find better ways to help organizations perform.  

That principal has served us well through the years, as we are now a recognized throughout the world as a groundbreaking leader in the cloud based software industry. We are incredibly proud of the fact that we have guided and continue to guide hundreds of organizations through their digital transformation. Our company has also supported thousands of daily users, and millions of managed documents in both the public and private sectors.