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» Products » Elise Enterprise Content Management (ECM) » Multi-channel Enterprise Content Management System

Multi-channel Enterprise Content Management System

Whatever the source or nature of your information, Elise can manage content from all your incoming and outgoing sources in one centralized platform.

Electronic Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

Power your digital transformation with Elise ECM to capture, process and manage all your content in one integrated, mobile solution.

Elise Electronic Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Software


  • Manage multiple types of documents and communications for multiple channels, including mobile devices 
  • Customize metadata and forms by document type 
  • Define custom life cycle stages and rules associated with each type of document to enhance the distribution of content 
  • Define conservation and archiving rules


  • Your content creators can manage all their structured or unstructured content in one solution 
  • You can customize Elise to your unique organization and process flows 
  • Your users are guided and have all the information they need at their fingertips 
  • You simply establish key steps and milestones related to your business and content marketing 
  • You centralize and adapt your information management strategy and multi-channel publishing over time

Logical Organization of Information

With Elise, you go beyond simply storing information with intuitive tools to deliver content and manage the entire content life cycle of your company.

Logical Organization of Enterprise Information with Elise ECM


  • Group multiple files in a single document 
  • Track versions with the history of each file 
  • Link documents according to the company’s standards


  • Your information is logically grouped together for easy organization 
  • You can be sure everyone is working on the most recent version of a document or file 
  • You can link files together to facilitate smooth navigation and decision making in the context of the case / file

Easy Search and Navigation

Elise ECM makes it fast and easy to search through all your company’s content, saving time and ensuring employees have access to the right information.


  • Full-text indexing of all content stored in Elise 
  • Multiple search tools: simple, structured, filters and multi-criteria sorting 
  • Self-classification of documents in dynamic views to facilitate information retrieval and exploration


  • You have fast, robust search tools for all the company’s content 
  • You are quickly guided to relevant information 
  • You are freed from the limits of traditional folders and trees


Gestion de tous les contenus d'entreprise avec Elise by NeoLedge, logiciel GED et ECM
Multi-channel Enterprise Content Management System

How can you capture, process and manage all your company’s content in one solution?

Travail collaboratif pour briser les silos avec Elise by NeoLedge, logiciel GED et ECM

How can you boost collaboration across your company and beyond?

Gestion des processus : BPM, RPA et case management avec Elise by NeoLedge, logiciel GED et ECM

How can you optimize and automate your internal business processes?

Annonce relative au Covid19

How can you benefit from a solution that’s integrated, flexible and mobile?

Capture multicanale des contenus et gestion des flux d'informations avec Elise by NeoLedge, logiciel GED et ECM

How can you use automation to save time, money and your customer relationships?

Sécurité et conformité aux normes avec Elise by NeoLedge, logiciel GED et ECM

How can you achieve maximum data protection, security and traceability?

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